11 Reasons Why Women Are Often So Successful In Business

With women owning around 40% of businesses in the U.S., and females making up more than half of all entrepreneurs in China, it’s clear that the once male-dominated world of business, is experiencing a significant shift. While a lot of that is down to an increase in loan opportunities for women, credit must also be given to females themselves, and the characteristics that make them so successful in business.

On that note, here are 11 of the reasons why women often make such great business people: 

  • Emotionally they are more intelligent

Women are inherently better at judging emotional situations and detecting social clues than men, and as a result, tend to run businesses with a great deal more consideration for all other people who may be involved.

  • They are used to facing challenges and barriers

The majority of women in business have faced prejudice from such people as lenders and potential clients, early on in their career, and may well continue to do so throughout their career. These challenges and barriers typically force women to work a lot harder than men just to be given a chance and taken seriously, which can benefit them in many ways when running a business. 

Fortunately, seeking capital for a business is no longer as challenging for women as it once was, with business loans for women very much available nowadays. 

  • Multitasking is second nature to them

With women typically having to juggle many different aspects of their life and adopt a number of varying roles in order to be accepted and to thrive, this tends to make them highly effective when it comes to multitasking within a business capacity. 

  • They value their employees and aren’t afraid to show it

When things are going well for women in business, they don’t hold back when sharing the credit, and are typically happy to highlight exactly who has helped them achieve success along the way, whether it be employees, colleagues or even friends and family. 

  • They are better at taking calculated risks

When big decisions need to be made, women are typically much more at ease asking for guidance from others, which helps them avoid taking unnecessary or miscalculated risks, and putting their business in jeopardy. They will also readily use such tools as an MCA Calculator to help them make financial decisions that are reasoned and sensible.

  • They place high value on achieving a work/life balance

Despite the fact that women are inherently hard workers, at the same time, they recognize that burn-out is a serious risk, and take steps to achieve a degree of balance between their work and home/social life. 

  • They love to collaborate

Generally speaking, women love to unite for a common cause or goal, and don’t tend to possess quite such a competitive streak as their male counterparts in the world of business. 

  • They have often received higher levels of education

Statistics have shown that women nowadays are far more likely to attend college or university than men, and while a degree or similar such qualification isn’t essential in the business world, it can often be advantageous. 

  • Women succeeding is what people want to see

While a couple of decades ago, nobody much cared why women weren’t high achievers in business, since women have proved themselves to be capable of driving economic growth, more and more people are making the effort to help them achieve their goals and create successful businesses. 

  • They are better at negotiating

Having to face so many challenges to get where they are today, women tend to value fairness when it comes to negotiating, instead of trying to win outright, irrespective of how the result affects others around them. 

  • They place a high value on creativity

While numbers and KPIs are an important part of running a successful business, creativity is often equally as integral, and women recognize this. Creativity is desirable in all aspects of business, and being more in touch with their creative sides enables women to take advantage of this. 

If you’re a female entrepreneur struggling to fund your latest business venture, be sure to research your financing options carefully, such as a small business loan or merchant cash advance, for example, and seek guidance from an experienced lender.